Our Policies and Approaches
Keeping You and Your Child Safe
The safety of everyone participating in our in-person STEAM programs continues to be our highest priority.
There are many ways we are keeping you and your family safe:
COVID information: Masks are welcome to be worn while participating in in-person team meetings.​​
Frequent cleaning and disinfecting practices
Additionally, LAUNCH continues to follow the latest recommendations and guidelines from public health.

Everyone Belongs at LAUNCH
At LAUNCH, we strive to ensure all participants are welcome, included and feel like they belong.
The STEAM teams in our programs lead with respect for everyone, foster connections and friendships, and give everyone a chance to contribute.

Cyber Safety
As with all online environments, security and privacy are a top concern. LAUNCH takes the following measures in all virtual programs:
All meeting links are password protected and are only shared with the coach and participants.
Online program sessions are recorded.
All participants and parents sign our Digital Citizenship Guidelines.